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Candle Magic~Scott Cunningham

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:20 am
by SifGreyWillow
It stands there in cold silence. A hand clasps it.
Human energy flows into its mute form, lending it power.
A magic spark blossoms and forms a dancing flame.
Fire meets Earth, producing Water and Air.
Wax melts.
The power is sent forth.

Every year, millions of candles are used for a variety of purposes. They shine from restaurant tables, flicker on altars devoted to "conventional" religious paths, light the homeless in secret rooms of abandoned buildings, provide a firey glow to birthday cakes, and are urgently lit during electrical power outages.

Candles are also used for magical purposes.
The reasons for this are clear:
Candles are available in a wide range of colors, and colors are directly related to specific magical energies.
Candles absorb personal power.
When burned, candles release this energy over a period of time.

Indeed, the changes that occur when fire is touched to wick are extraordinary. The candle itself, unlit, represents the element of Earth. When touched with Fire, the candle melts, producing liquid wax (representing the element of Water) and smoke (the element of Air). This seemingly miraculous process is another reason why candles are an accepted part of folk magic.

(The above text is from the book, 'Earth, Air, Fire & Water' by Scott Cunningham.)

Basic Candle Magic Information - Getting Started

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:23 am
by SifGreyWillow
Basic Candle Magic Information - Getting Started
ImageThe Candle

Your candle doesn't have to be any specific size, it doesn't have to be expensive or made of any special material. Your intention & personal power you 'charge' the candle with is what's most important.
Using a candle color that corresponds to the energy or spell you are trying to invoke assists the spell-maker to accurately program personal power, so if you can, purchase an appropriate color.
Carve symbols on the candle that are appropriate for the spell. For example, a heart for love, a dollar sign for a money ritual, the initials or name of the of the country or state you want to move to, a crescent moon for sleep or psycic awareness. Rune symbols are also good for carving into candles. I use a seam ripper to carve my candles as it has a small tip and is easy to manage.
'All Purpose White'. If you can't find an appropriate colored candle, using a white candle can be used for every positive magical purpose.
Size Doesn't Matter. I use tea candles for candle magic! I also use the 'standard' votive candle as they are easy to contain, come in many colors, and are safely burned for long periods of time.

Re: Candle Magic~Scott Cunningham

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:26 am
by SifGreyWillow
ImageOne Spell On A Candle

It's best to use an individual candle for each specific magical intention, spell, or ritual.
You will first 'charge' the candle with the intention for the spell using your personal power .
You will want to burn the candle until it is completely gone (tea or votive candles) or until it is as close to the base of the holder as is safe.
Light candles with matches. Using a plastic lighter to begin a magical ceremony negates some of its charm.
It's okay to extinguish a candle before it has completely burned down, then re-light it again when you return.
Some folks believe that blowing out a candle used for magic releases the intention, so you might want to use a candle snuffer, pinch out the flame with wet fingers, or clap over the top of the flame to extinguish it.

Candle Burning Safety

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:26 am
by SifGreyWillow
ImageCandle Burning Safety

Please make sure you place your candle somewhere that will not cause an accidental fire, both indoors and outdoors.
Using some kind of candle holder that completely contains the candle is a good thing to do.
Make sure that you have something that will contain the melted wax if you don't use a candle holder (cauldron, metal pot, glass jar, etc. Sand is a great Earth element that absorbs wax well).
I always use tea lights or votive candles that I can put in a small glass container.
A great outdoor candle can be made with a canning jar & sand. After you have 'charged the candle with your intention' use a different candle to create a small pool of hot wax on the bottom of the jar. Then place your 'charged' candle in the hot wax until it stays firmly in place. Pour an appropriate layer of sand around the base of the candle in the jar and your 'outdoor' candle is ready.

Here's some of the ways I've burned candles for extended periods;
I have placed a candle and its holder in a sink or a fireplace
I often place the candle in it's holder on something metal like a cookie sheet or a trivet
I have also used sand to contain any wax leakage in case the glass holder breaks
You could also use a large metal pot or a cauldron
A bathtub is another good spot for a candle

Candle Colors & Oils

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:49 am
by SifGreyWillow
Candle Colors & Oils
ImageColors can play a roll in visualizing our intent for each candle spell. This list of candle colors and their magical purposes is from the book 'Earth, Air, Fire & Water' by Scott Cunningham. I'm ever grateful to Scott for all the writing, ritual, & teachings he created and shared with the Wiccan/Pagan/Earth Based community during his lifetime. I have also added intentions that have used for some colors.
Use these color recommendations as a guide, but by all means, go with your intuition for the most powerful color choice when creating your unique ritual or spell.

Essential oils can also be used when creating a ritual or using candles to invoke specific energies. They can be rubbed on the candle to release their fragrances when the candle is burned. A drop of oil can be placed on the top of the candle and it will release its fragrance when the candle is lit. Also oils can be mixed with water and burned in a separate container as part of the ritual. For example, cinnamon can be used for love rituals, lavender is used to relax or for healing. Find an aromatherapist or a good book on aromatherapy for suggestions.

The Colors

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:50 am
by SifGreyWillow
ImageThe Colors

RED - Maintaining health; bodily strength; physical energy; sex; passion; courage; protection, and defensive magic. This color is the element of Fire. Throughout the world, red is associated with life and death.
PINK - Love; friendship; compassion relaxation. Pink candles can be burned during rituals designed to improve self-love. They're ideal for weddings and for all forms of emotional union.
ORANGE - Attraction, energy, increasing personal physical energy. Burn to attract specific influences or objects.
YELLOW - Intellect; confidence; divination; communication; eloquence; travel; movement. Yellow is the color of the element of Air. Burn yellow candles during rituals designed to heighten your visualization abilities. Before studying for any purpose, program a yellow candle to stimulate your conscious mind. Light the candle and let it burn while you study. If you are in the performing arts, yellow is a great color to burn before each event.
GREEN - Money; prosperity; employment; fertility; healing; growth; abundance. Green is the color of the element of Earth. Burn when looking for a job or seeking a needed raise.
BLUE - Healing; peace; patience; psychic realm, happiness. Blue is the color of the element of Water. Blue is also used in the realm of sleep and of twilight. If you have trouble sleeping, charge a small blue candle with the visualization of yourself sleeping through the night. Burn it a few moments before you get into bed, then extinguish its flame. Blue candles can also be charged and burned to awaken the psychic mind.
PURPLE - Power; healing severe diseases; spirituality; meditation; religion. Purple candles can be burned to enhance all spiritual activities, to increase your magical power, and as a part of intense healing rituals, in combination with blue candles.
WHITE - Protection; purification; all purposes. White contains all colors. It's linked with the Moon. White candles are specifically burned during purification and protection rituals. If you're to keep but one candle on hand for magical purposes, choose a white one. Before use, charge it with personal per and it will work for all positive purposes.
BLACK - Banishing negativity, absorbing negativity, transition; the ending of something that is the beginning of something else. Black is the absence of color. In magic, it's also representative of outer space. Despite what you may have heard, black candles are burned for positive purposes, such as casting out baneful energies or to absorb illness and nasty habits.
BROWN - Burned for spells invoking animals, usually in combination with other colors. A brown candle and a red candle for animal protection; brown and blue for healing, and so on.

Charging Your Candle

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:05 am
by SifGreyWillow
Charging Your Candle
ImageThis is a quick, uncomplicated ritual designed to be used for all positive purposes.
You will need;

One candle of the appropriate color and carved with appropriate symbols
A candle holder
Matches (preferred to a lighter)
When you are ready to begin, you will first 'charge the candle' with intention.
To do that;

* Hold the candle in your 'power hand' (this is the hand you write with).
* Open your opposite hand and turn your palm up toward the sky
* Breath deeply. Visualize your goal.
* Visualize 'Universal Energy' coming into the palm that is turned skyward and filling your body.
* Visualize that Universal Energy mixing with your intention.
* Push the intention mixed with the Universal Energy into the candle.
* Feel the energy streaming into the candle and filling it.
* If you wish, speak out loud the intent of the candle.
* Place the candle in its holder.
* Strike a match above the candle and draw down the flame toward the candle lighting the wick.
* Extinguish the match flame with a quick flip of the wrist.
* Stay with the candle for a few moments visualizing your intention, feeling its energy moving into the Universe.
* Leave the area and let the candle do its work.

Altars for Candle Rituals

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:08 am
by SifGreyWillow
Altars for Candle Rituals
ImageCreating a special area where you will place your candle can enhance the experience of candle magic. A wonderful addition to the ritual of picking out our candle, choosing its color, and carving the candle with symbols, is the planning of an altar where ultimately the candle will be placed. This isn't at all necessary for your candle magic to work, but I have felt that sometimes when I wanted to add more 'punch' to a candle spell, I've created a visually beautiful altar with items that represented my intention.
Here are a few books that are good references for creating 'sacred space', but by all means, let your intuition be your guide.

* 'Altars Made Easy' - Peg Streep - ISBN 0-06-251490-3
* 'Sacred Space' - Denise Lin - ISBN 0-345-39769-X

Altar Items

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:10 am
by SifGreyWillow
ImageHere's a list of some of the items that I've used when creating altars;
*Tarot cards
*Carved animal fetish(s)
*Anything found from the Earth - leafs, stones, flowers, feathers, shells, etc.
*Divination stones
*Pictures of individuals
*Artwork of my favorite artists - Susan Seddon Boulet, etc.
*Coins, dollar bills (for money rituals)
*Food, cookies (for abundance rituals)
*Candy (for love rituals)
*Medicine bags

Taking Your Altar Apart

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:12 am
by SifGreyWillow
Taking Your Altar Apart
ImageTaking your altar apart is as much a part of the ritual as it was to create it. Give yourself a few moments to look at the altar and appreciate the ritual of creating it and all the energy that was part of the altar. Thank the altar and all the elements on the altar for the part they played in the magic, then slowly, and with intention, begin to remove each altar object. Each of those items have gathered a lot of 'mojo', and when used over and over again become increaingly powerful.
If you've used food on an altar, either eat the food if it's still consumable or leave it outdoors as an offering. Since it's been part of a ritual, it's not appropriate to throw it in the garbage, down a garbage disposal, or in a compost pile.

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